Wong Fu Productions Wiki

Nerakil Nerakil 25 April 2012

Admin, naice.

So I found this wiki with 6 pages and pretty much abandoned, and I decided to fix up the main page, and I guess I'm an admin now, that's pretty cool.

I know there's no one here now -- there may never be (and truth be told, I'm kind of glad, I don't want visitors until this place is presentable), but it's good practice for my wiki-editing, since I kinda suck right now. And no one's gonna yell at me here for messing up pages.

Anyways, I do want to fix this place up, I think Wong Fu Productions deserves a wiki dedicated to them! Right now, my agenda includes:

  • Making a proper infobox for the "people" pages. Right now, "people" refers to the guys at WFP (Phil, Wes, Ted), and some Youtube Affiliates; I'm not sure if I should add like Regina and fri…
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